From Life: Paintings & DrawingsJanette Maxey
12.24 fri - 26 sun 13:00-20:30
草間彌生さんは、「人生の中で自分を探求し、素晴らしい人生観を見つけてください 」と言っています。 1年近く外出を控えていた私は、静物画から脱却すべく、なるべく外に出なければと思ったのです。生きている間に素晴らしい人生観を見つけ、手の届く範囲を超えて世界とつながっていたいと感じた私は、毎日外に出て、東京やその周辺の公園、木々、街路を歩く中で描きました。 自分自身が外の世界と再びつながるための方法として選んだのは、最も素朴な素材を使うことでした。
This exhibition is a two part collection of still life oil paintings on aluminum and landscape pencil drawings I’ve made in Japan, USA, and Italy, where I first learned of my move to Japan.
The collection of still life paintings of the object around me rendered oil paint on aluminum flashing.
The paintings in this exhibition explores the symbolic nature, beauty and history of everyday objects. They are a record what I think is beautiful, maybe mysterious and interesting.
Yayoi Kusama said, “My wish for you is that you explore yourself and find a marvelous view of life during life.”
After almost a year of not going out, I felt a need to be outside as much as possible, breaking away from still life painting. I wanted to find that marvelous view of life during life and be connected with the world beyond arm’s length. So I went out every day to walk, look, and draw the parks, trees, and streets in Tokyo and beyond. A way for me to reconnect with the outside world using the most basic materials.
Standard Covid-19 preventive measures in place – please wear a mask and use hand sanitizer provided. Thank you!
Janette Maxey
2018 Small Paintings for a Big World, Harry's, Harajuku, Tokyo, Japan
2017 Paired Horizons (with Julia Einstein) Members Gallery, Concord Art, Concord, MA
2016 Centerpieces: Plucked and Picked. Gallery on the Hill at The Simsbury 1820 House, Simsbury, CT
2015 Opposite Sides of the World Connecticut to Singapore. ArtWalk, Hartford, CT
Echo / Shadow / Reflection. Barnes-Franklin Gallery Tunxis Community College, Farmington, CT
2012 Still Life. The French Book Shop, Tiong Bahru, Singapore
Singapore Connection (two person) Fullerton Hotel Heritage Gallery, Museum District, Singapore